Sunday, 20 March 2011

9 Amazing yet Simple Windows 7 hacks

If you perform a Google search for Windows 7 hacks right now, hundreds if not thousands of websites clutter the search results page. One can easily lose their patience tracking hacks, determining what build they apply to, and validating that they work.
We’ve set out to organize this clutter into a neatly condensed guide that lists the top 9 Windows 7 Hacks out there. We’ve also made some effort to categorize the hacks by build number, you’ll also notice that some of these are borderline hacks, but are referred to as such so I’m sticking to the description. The list below will include the hacks along with some instructions to perform the hack, you will also be provided with the original sources should you want to follow up on them. If you know of any other Windows 7 hacks or think of a better way to hack Windows 7, feel free to share. Please Note: The hacks listed below are intended for specific builds of Windows 7, some hacks work on some builds of Windows 7, and some may only work on one version. An attempt has been made to identify which hack works on which build. Note the Hack number followed by build number, i.e. Hack 1 (6801) means that this hack has been proven to work on build 6801.

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