Sunday, 20 March 2011

Hack 3 (7000) - Remove Watermark from Windows 7 beta 1 Desktop

Aside from the annoying Send Feedback link discussed below, Microsoft has made every effort to remind us of the beta status of the operating system we are using. This is evident in the watermark embedded on the desktop of every Windows 7 installation. If you’re as annoyed as I am of the disruption of my desktop Zen, the steps below will help you get rid of the infamous watermark. Before proceeding we must first ensure that User Account Control is disabled, follow the steps below to disable.
1. Click on the Start Menu > Control Panel
2. Click on User Accounts and then Change User Account Control Settings and adjust the slider so that it is at the bottom of the screen (Never Notify).
3. When you are done restart your computer.
4. Once your computer has rebooted browse to the following directory, “C:WindowsSystem32en-US”
5. Once you’re in the directory locate and right-click the following file user32.dll.mui
6. Select Properties from the drop-down menu, click on the Security tab and click on the Advanced button at the bottom.
7. Click on the Owner tab in the Advanced Security Settings window and click Edit…(By clicking Edit… you have made yourself the owner of the file)
8. Click OK to accept changes and return to the original file Properties window.
9. Click Edit… under the Security tab.
10. Select Users and a checkmark to the all the checkboxes giving you full control of the file.
11. Rename user32.dll.mui to user32-backup.dll.mui
12. Download the patched version of the files
A. 32 bit Download
B. 64 bit Download
13. Once you’ve downloaded the file extract it to the original directory (C:WindowsSystem32en-US)
14. Restart the computer.

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