Sunday, 20 March 2011

Hack 1(6801) – Enable New Windows Taskbar in Build 6801

When Microsoft made Build 6801 available to the public they left out several features that users have been waiting for, among those was the new Windows taskbar to enable the taskbar follow the instructions below.
1. Click on the Start Menu and type “cmd” into the search box, click to open cmd.exe (Command Prompt).
2. Once opened type the following commands in bold;
A. takeown /f %windir%explorer.exe
B. cacls %windir%explorer.exe /E /G User-Name:F (Note: Replace User-Name with your user name in windows 7)
C. taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
D. cd %windir%
3. Before proceeding you must download and extract the following file to the Windows directory (C:Windows) Note: You must choose the correct version below.
A. 32-bit Download
B. 64-bit Download
4. With the Command Prompt open type start unlockProtectedFeatures.exe
5. Restart your computer

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